Hola! Daughter of Corn is back!
It is close to Christmas Eve, and not only is the world inhaling a breath of change, but so am I: new job, new house, and new book. In about a month a compilation of my poetry, "Breathe into the Knowing", will be published by Azalea Art Press. Several pictures of my collages grace the interior in black and white, and the book cover will display two of my most colorful works. On the eve of my mother's death I determined that I must move to publish ten years of creative work and revision. That was in early September, and with the collaboration of Karen Mireau, incisive reviews by three female poets, and an energy that burst from out of some hidden recess, I hover on the horizon of finality. Many mornings I got up early to revise, sequence, and correct, so I could get to my employment at the University of Iowa by 8 am. In the process I realized that my stint at Garden Street was very productive--I have a second book! Well, the beginning of a second book, which I will definitely call Garden Street. Lovely name for a place that held so much controversy and at the same time comfort after two years in a tiny apartment on Church Street.
Where do I live now? Well, in a bungalow on a very plain D Street.